Kami adalah Yayasan Kemanusiaan Madani Indonesia (YKMI), sebuah organisasi kemanusiaan yang berdedikasi untuk memberikan bantuan dan dukungan dalam menghadapi bencana.

Yayasan Kemanusiaan Madani Indonesia (YKMI) adalah organisasi kemanusiaan yang sejak 2015 berfokus pada tanggap bencana, penyediaan air bersih, pemberdayaan ekonomi, serta kegiatan keagamaan seperti Ramadhan dan Qurban. Dengan dukungan berbagai mitra, YKMI berkomitmen menciptakan solusi berkelanjutan dan membangun komunitas yang tangguh.

Kami mengundang Anda untuk bergabung dengan kami dan menjadi bagian dari perjuangan kemanusiaan ini. Bersama-sama, kita dapat merespons bencana dengan cepat, memberikan kehidupan yang lebih baik bagi mereka yang terdampak, dan membawa sinar harapan di tengah kegelapan.

What We Do?

We tend to make our world a safer place for people

Education & Clothes

If you haven't any charity in your heart, You have the worst kind of heart trouble. Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others.

Clean Water

We invest in local solutions to the local water crisis in sub-Saharan Africa. We provide clean water.  In order to help the communities we have created a group of farmers who donate agricultural product to food banks.

  • Water regulates your body chemistry
  • Water is essential for your digestion
Clean Water

We invest in local solutions to the local water crisis in sub-Saharan Africa. We provide clean water.  In order to help the communities we have created a group of farmers who donate agricultural product to food banks.

  • Water regulates your body chemistry
  • Water is essential for your digestion

Standing Together, Better World

Every charitable act is a stepping stone towards heaven

We gather voluntary contributions to help schools, churches,
and other non-profit organizations.

Our Causes

We need your help anytime anywhere


Protect children from war

Is so severe that many impacted neighborhoods remain inaccessible

GOAL: $320,000,000


Education and Clothing

Is so severe that many impacted neighborhoods remain inaccessible

GOAL: $270,000,000


Water for all children

Is so severe that many impacted neighborhoods remain inaccessible

GOAL: $140,000,000

Upcoming Events

How to avoid possible droughts in the world

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We gather voluntary contributions to help schools, churches,
and other non-profit organizations.

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